
Please note that at least one author of each accepted paper must register for the workshop and make the presentation. The participants are also encouraged to register to the main conference of NeurIPS 2020. The information about registration can be found at

Discussion Opportunities

The workshop will support and foster discussion, beyond questions during talks, in two main ways. First, there will be two virtual “poster sessions” where authors of contributed papers can informally present their work and take questions about it using either one chat with separate virtual breakout ‘rooms’ running in parallel (with one presenter per room) or by separate chats that attendees can log in and out of as they wish. Second, there will be a one-hour panel discussion in the afternoon.


We plan to record all talks and discussion sessions with the speakers' permission and put them on our workshop website. All speakers will present their talk remotely. We will also publish all the accepted papers and extended abstracts on the workshop website (with the authors' permission). Furthermore, we will continue to maintain the website after the conclusion of the workshop to keep a record of existing and new papers that are relevant to quantum tensor networks in machine learning